Thursday, November 14, 2013


Excuse my untogetherness ... it's been one of those hard weeks and I ramble a lot in this post

Emotions..... they play such a huge part in our day to day lives. Today was one of those dollar coaster emotional days for me.. I had a dream about Steven then when I woke up I was happy a little later furious and then just downright sad. The only reason I even cracked a smile today was because of some good work buddies cracking me up with their antics at work. I noticed that I keep my feelings mostly to myself.... when I'm around people I laugh and chat away but as soon as I know I'll be alone for awhile the sadness is back. Very very few times have I actually let the feelings come out in public. Not going to lie, if I did let my feelings out in front of people they'd think I was nuts. I have found that since Steve passed when I get agitated my tongue becomes quite loose and I let people know what I really think about them...and that's not always a good thing! So the past few days when I start feeling like I'm going to lose it, I walk into the kitchen, stand in front of the fridge and look at the picture my niece drew for me.  she always reminds me that no matter what there are people who still love and care about me and that I need to keep calm and (her words) that it's ok to cry sometimes.

Sometimes you just need a child's logic to get yourself back on track....

Picture from Grief the unspoken

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