Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The fault in our stars. ...

Tonight my roommate and I watched the fault in our stars. Let me tell you that's a heart wrenching movie.... it got me too thinking of my last days with Steven and even tho we didn't know it was our last days I wouldn't trade what we did in for anything.
This movie also hit home because this week or widow family last a sweet young lady to cancer.  She was absolutely gorgeous and had 6 beautiful kids who she has left behind. I believe Valarie was here to teach us how to live again. .. Perhaps Not  how we once did but to feel a little alive once more.

I hate to admit it but I have been depressed. I miss Steven so much it hurts. Physically hurts. You know when you watch wrestling and someone gets body slammed and you cringe because you know it had to hurt really bad?  That kind of hurt. ...only worse.

Perhaps watching this movie was a horrible idea after all. ......

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