Saturday, December 28, 2013

Holidays... expect the unexpected

Well it's been awhile .... I was blogging semi-religiously for awhile and come to find out they weren't posting .. possibly a good thing.
The holidays have been seriously hard, people told me they would be but honestly I thought I could do it without crying daily ... yup I FAILED miserably. But that is ok. I will get through this on my own time and how I want too. One huge reason this has been so hard for me is on Christmas Eve, amidst our family get together, I got sick. Seriously sick. Ended up in the ER for most of the night and was miserable till the pain and nausea meds hit me. Yup, I'm the not-so-happy-about-it wonder of not one, or two but THREE kidney stones. One is small enough to pass but the other two are 2 & 3 centimeters big. Wayyy to big to big to pass. It was my first ER trip without Steven. :-( what made it worse was the nurse who triaged me asked if I was pregnant MULTIPLE times and I kept insisting there was absolutely no way I could be and of course she asked why not. Like that was her business why.. but I explained my husband passed away 6 months ago and this broad has the audacity to ask what happened ... I was livid. Not only was I sitting there in horrible pain but was trying to not puke all over her expensive tennis shoes and she's more curious as to how my husband died. I just don't get some people. So that was my holiday in a nut shell... fun right?
Well the presents and spending time with my family was really fun till I started feeling bad. So here's hoping everyone else had a Merry Christmas and will have a very Happy New Years!