Friday, April 8, 2016

Starting Anew...

Since last July quite a bit has happened in my life. I moved out of my parents into an apartment by myself.... I met a man.... I have a roommate... I quite my job and started a new job only to HATE it with such a passion I was miserable and found a new job that I will be starting ASAP.... I am Happier than I have been in the last almost 3 years. 

I smile so much now, and not that FAKE smile that I have seemed to have perfected over the last few years, but a GENUINE smile. The kind of smile that makes your whole face hurt. The one that EVERYONE notices and has to ask what is going on in your life. I, of course, just have to say that everything is going right for once.

So moving forward.... I avoided writing things down for almost the last year just because I was bored with myself, I was mad at myself. I got tired of thinking I was just complaining because this way was easier. But honestly I wasn't complaining.... I was letting everyone know my true feelings when I couldn't voice them out loud. So now that I have basically made peace with myself (for the most part) I will continue on voicing my thoughts (and complaints lol!)

So everyone seems to be super excited about this man that I have met. As well they should be because he is quite the sweet guy.
In the short time that we have been together he has stolen my heart...Which is freaking scary! I am deathly afraid that I have given my heart away before I should have. He has utterly and completely stolen my heart from me and heaven help me if he breaks it... I will be devastated.. and it will be my own fault for it.

In the few weeks that we have been together he has helped me move forward. I have always been afraid of moving forward and thought that people would think I have forgotten about Steven. However I will NEVER forget him. He will always always be a part of my life..
I did have a slight issue with some people trying to cause drama but that was quickly fixed.

I am not moving on... I am moving FORWARD.