Friday, July 31, 2015

Another year has come and gone. June 15 will forever be a day that I dread. Though not so bad as August 22. What in the WORLD was i thinking when I agreed to get married on his birthday!? I must have been drunk(I wasn't but eh! still!!). It is coming up rather fast in the future and of course it is on a saturday. A day that I work. For once it could be on a day when I dont work!
I believe that I have reached the anger part of grief as recently I will wake up just seriously pissed off at steven. Pissed that he would have the GUTS to leave me. Mad and upset that he cannot come back to me. It is natural to go thorough this but I wont even lie.. IT SUCKS!!!!! I just want things to go back to the way that they were before... I will take the 40+ hour work weeks, I'll go to all of the doctor visits and to the wound clinics.

I miss his voice....
I miss his jokes...
I miss the practical jokes that always pissed me off... never failed
I miss the hugs...
                   the kisses...
and most of all......     I miss the cuddles.