Sunday, September 21, 2014

Its crazy how much you can miss a person... honestly though! Most people say "I miss john, he is gone for the weekend and I won't hear from him till Monday" or "I miss jane, she's out of town for a month and I can't get and hugs kisses or even talk to her"(yess I have heard both and they are direct quotes!). The people who say things like this!  You will always miss someone but wait until you miss that someone you can't ever hug or kiss or talk to again.. its a whole new kind of pain to deal with. I'm all the time whispering in the dark to Steve even though he isn't there, just because it makes thw pain of him not physically being here a little bit easier to bear. Until this last week anyway..... I moved out of my parents house this weekend and its been difficult making the adjustment. Now don't judge... I lived with my parents for the last year because I physically Cannot live alone. I can't stand to be alone in a house for more than a few hours and if I have to be I will end up goin out to Wal-Mart or a grocery store or something. Being aline is linked too missing the other half of my heart.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Big changes!

I have had some crazy changes the past few weeks! I am the new second shift lead at work and this is official on monday... super nervous girl here! I also moved out of my parents house this weekend. I still can't stand to live alone so I have a roomie but its still a major step for me. I'm not gonna lie I'm worried that I can't do this(no kal I'm not gonna back out). Its the whole fact that this is completely out of my comfort zone. Staying at my parents I was comfortable and had a routine and, of course,  no bills to pay. I'm one of those annoying people who worry about their bills and check their bank account a gazillion times a day. I can't help it!
I know that Steve is cheering me on for taking these big steps.